What Are The Various Types Of Preschool Programs?

When looking to enroll your child in preschool, which preschool program would you prefer? There are different types of preschool programs available to suit the different needs of children. They include the following:


It is a common program named after its founder, Dr. Maria Montessori. This program takes a more developmental approach to education and learning. To teach this program, teachers need to study early childhood education and have a Montessori certification.

Montessori prioritizes practical education and encourages children to focus on activities they are interested in to help them gain independence. It aims to develop a child's senses, academic ability, character, and practical life skills. It encourages teamwork among the children to help harness their skills and to help them learn how to contribute their strengths in a larger unit.

High Scope

Most parents choose a play-based preschool for their kids. The High Scope preschool program uses a play-based curriculum where teachers help children learn through practical projects. The practical approach is better than the formal approach, and your child will have fun as they continue learning.

This program encourages children to be curious and offers them a conducive interactive learning environment. High Scope will encourage your child to interact with their peers and exchange ideas in the learning environment. 


This program was developed to nurture the general interests of your child, including spiritual interests. It encourages creative and practical learning methods in a child-supportive environment. 

Waldorf aims to generate a child's inner enthusiasm and raise their curiosity for learning by focusing on their talents and unique abilities. Lessons under this program are always teacher-directed by a teacher with a Waldorf certification. The end goal of this program is to produce a well-rounded child.

Parent Co-op

If you would like to take a more active role in your child's learning, a Parent Co-op program is ideal for you. It is a program that allows parents to take an active part in their children's learning. The parents are allowed to be present during lessons and supervise the kids. In this program, the parents contribute to their child's education and share their thoughts on the teaching curriculum.

Choose an Appropriate Preschool Program for Your Loved One

Every parent wants the best for their child, including the best education program. Before enrolling your child in preschool, identify a preschool program that aligns with your child's needs. Go through the above preschool programs and decide on the best program for your kid.
